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McMansion Software Architecture

Kate Wagner's blog McMansion Hell "hopes to open readers’ eyes to the world around them, and inspire them to make it a better one" by "making examples out of the places we love to hate the most: the suburbs."

The main target is what's called McMansion, from Wikipedia:

The term "McMansion" is generally used to denote a new, or recent, multi-story house of no clear architectural style, which prizes superficial appearance and sheer size over quality.

In McMansions 101 Revisited: Aesthetics Aside, Why McMansions Are Bad Architecture Kate writes:

The inside of McMansions are designed in order to cram the most “features” inside for the lowest costs. Often this is done inefficiently, resulting in odd rooflines, room shapes, and hastily covered up contractor errors. These lead to major upsets years down the road such as leaky roofs, draft problems, and structural deficiencies leading to mold, mildew, and other problems costing thousands of dollars to repair.

The reason to cram the most "features" for the lowest cost is because McMansions are not built to be homes, they’re built to be short-term investments:

Because we started treating our houses as disposable during the mortgage booms of the 1980s, 90s and 2000s, we ended up with houses built to last not even 25 years.

But it seems we are starting to notice: McMansions are a seriously bad investment

I propose the term McMansion Software Architecture: replace "house" with "software project" and "investment" with "career building" (which is a kind of personal investment).

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